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Tennessee TIPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

If you're looking to understand how this law impacts businesses in Tennessee, especially those dealing with digital cookies, you're in the right place. This article will simplify the complexities of compliance and make them easy to grasp, even if you're just starting to learn about data privacy.

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Colorado CPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The Colorado Consumer Privacy Act went into effect July 1, 2023 (CPA). CPA is a vital piece of legislation designed to protect the privacy of residents in Colorado. Understanding its requirements is essential for any business operating in the state. This act is all about giving control back to the consumers regarding their personal data. But what does this mean for you and your business, especially when it comes to managing cookies on your website?

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Oregon OCPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA) is a regulation designed to enhance consumer privacy rights in Oregon. By setting strict guidelines on how businesses collect, process, and share personal data, the OCPA aims to give consumers more control over their personal information and ensure businesses handle this data responsibly.

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Florida FDBR and Cookies: All You Need to Know

Are you ready for the Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR)? If your website has users from the Sunshine State, you better be! With new regulations coming into play, it's important to ensure your website complies to avoid any nasty surprises. Let's dive into the details and get your site ready for Florida's latest privacy law.

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Texas TDPSA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

Your website have users accessing from Texas? So be ready… the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act is here to shake things up. Don't worry; we've got your back. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to ensure your website complies with the new regulations.

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Google Consent Mode: Beginner to Advanced Guide.

Google Consent Mode (GCM) is nothing more than a way for you to integrate the consent you collect from your visitors into Google technologies. In this way, upon receiving this consent information, collection can only occur with authorization, thus complying with the legislation and having direct evidence of compliance as defense for both you and Google.

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What is a privacy policy?

A privacy policy is a document that outlines how an organization collects, uses, discloses, and manages a customer's data. It's essential for building trust with users and complying with legal requirements. However, if you're not familiar with it, don't worry as we're here to help you.

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How to choose a Cookie Banner for your website

What are the criteria for this choice, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each option? Well, we're here to help you because this decision needs to be well thought out!

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Contact an expert!

We are here to help you. Schedule a meeting to clarify all your doubts.

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California CCPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a significant privacy legislation that came into effect in January 2020. Under the CCPA, California residents have the right to know what personal data is being collected about them, to whom it is being sold, and to opt-out of the sale of their personal data. Additionally, the CCPA imposes penalties on businesses that fail to protect these data rights.

Cookie Banner

23 Jul 2024

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Connecticut CTDPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) is a state regulation designed to protect the privacy of Connecticut residents. It also regards cookies, so in this article we will help you understand all about this new privacy regulation.

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Controller and Operator

27 Jun 2024

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Tennessee TIPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

If you're looking to understand how this law impacts businesses in Tennessee, especially those dealing with digital cookies, you're in the right place. This article will simplify the complexities of compliance and make them easy to grasp, even if you're just starting to learn about data privacy.

Cookie Banner

20 Jun 2024

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Colorado CPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The Colorado Consumer Privacy Act went into effect July 1, 2023 (CPA). CPA is a vital piece of legislation designed to protect the privacy of residents in Colorado. Understanding its requirements is essential for any business operating in the state. This act is all about giving control back to the consumers regarding their personal data. But what does this mean for you and your business, especially when it comes to managing cookies on your website?

Cookie Banner
Legal basis

13 Jun 2024

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Oregon OCPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

The Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA) is a regulation designed to enhance consumer privacy rights in Oregon. By setting strict guidelines on how businesses collect, process, and share personal data, the OCPA aims to give consumers more control over their personal information and ensure businesses handle this data responsibly.

Cookie Banner

12 Jun 2024

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Florida FDBR and Cookies: All You Need to Know

Are you ready for the Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR)? If your website has users from the Sunshine State, you better be! With new regulations coming into play, it's important to ensure your website complies to avoid any nasty surprises. Let's dive into the details and get your site ready for Florida's latest privacy law.

Cookie Banner
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12 Jun 2024

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Texas TDPSA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

Your website have users accessing from Texas? So be ready… the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act is here to shake things up. Don't worry; we've got your back. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to ensure your website complies with the new regulations.

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07 Jun 2024

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Google Consent Mode: Guía de principiante a avanzado.

Con la proliferación de leyes de privacidad en todo el mundo, Google (Alphabet) finalmente se ha visto obligado a ajustar sus herramientas para cumplir con nuevas legislaciones como el GDPR, LGPD, CCPA, PIPEDA, DPDPA, entre otras.


02 May 2024

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Google Consent Mode : Guide du Débutant à l'Avancé.

Avec la prolifération des lois sur la vie privée dans le monde, Google (Alphabet) s'est enfin trouvé obligé d'ajuster ses outils pour être conforme aux nouvelles législations telles que le GDPR, le LGPD, le CCPA, le PIPEDA, le DPDPA, etc.

Cookie Banner

30 Apr 2024

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Google Consent Mode: Guida per Principianti ed Esperti.

Con le leggi sulla privacy che fioriscono in tutto il mondo, Google (Alphabet) si è finalmente trovata obbligata ad adattare i suoi strumenti per essere conformi alle nuove normative come GDPR, LGPD, CCPA, PIPEDA, DPDPA, ecc.

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30 Apr 2024

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Google Consent Mode: Beginner to Advanced Guide.

Google Consent Mode (GCM) is nothing more than a way for you to integrate the consent you collect from your visitors into Google technologies. In this way, upon receiving this consent information, collection can only occur with authorization, thus complying with the legislation and having direct evidence of compliance as defense for both you and Google.

Cookie Banner

26 Apr 2024

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GDPR Legal Basis: An Introduction

In this article, we'll explore the GDPR foundations and provide practical insights from the basics to more advanced concepts of its legal basis.

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03 Oct 2023

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GDPR and Cookies all you need to know

Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its impact on cookies is essential. So, let's break it down, step by step.

Cookie Banner

03 Oct 2023

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LGPD & COOKIES - ANPD Releases "Guidance on Cookies and Personal Data Protection"

On October 18, 2022, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) released the "Guidance on Cookies and Personal Data Protection." Highly anticipated by professionals in the field, this document is of utmost importance as it examines various applicable legal scenarios and establishes the requirements to be observed in the case of cookie usage.


20 Sep 2023

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What is a privacy policy?

A privacy policy is a document that outlines how an organization collects, uses, discloses, and manages a customer's data. It's essential for building trust with users and complying with legal requirements. However, if you're not familiar with it, don't worry as we're here to help you.

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19 Sep 2023

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What are Terms of Use and their importance for the LGPD?

Ignoring Terms of Use and their significance within a website, particularly now with LGPD, is a common mistake that both consumers and website owners frequently commit.

Controller and Operator
Privacy Policy

19 Sep 2023

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LGPD: An Opportunity for Digital Marketing Agencies!

Have you ever thought that your marketing agency could find a great business opportunity in LGPD? Well, unlike what many think, it brings changes that can accelerate the demand for the services of these companies.


19 Sep 2023

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Everything about the Brazilian LGPD - General Data Protection Law.

All the important information about the General Data Protection Law - LGPD: what it is, why it exists, how it works, when it came into force, who it applies to, potential fines, steps for compliance, and its legal principles.

Data Protection Officer - DPO

19 Sep 2023

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Data Mapping or Data Inventory - a life jacket for the DPO!

With the data mapping we have a clear understanding of the 5 stages that every data goes through in a company.

Data Protection Officer - DPO
Data Mapping

19 Sep 2023

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Why Give Consent on Every Website I Visit?

Have you ever noticed that every time you sign up for a service to access information or register on a website for purchases, you need to give consent? If you're wondering why you have to give consent on every website you visit, you'll find the answer here.

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LGPD fines

19 Sep 2023

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5 Signs Your Website Needs an Cookie Consent Strategy

How does your website handle LGPD? What strategies does it use to comply with the General Data Protection Law? Have you thought about using a cookie notice but don't know if your site has cookies or if it's enough? If you can't answer these questions, be cautious! Your page may be exposed to fines and other sanctions.

Cookie Banner

18 Sep 2023

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Data Protection Officer and LGPD, a Solitary or Teamwork Job?

How do you deal with a profession that didn't even exist a few years ago and is now mandatory in companies? That's precisely the question that arises when we think of the figure of the Data Protection Officer or DPO.

Controller and Operator
Data Protection Officer - DPO

18 Sep 2023

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Outsourcing the DPO (DPOaaS), Is It a Good Idea?

The Data Protection Officer, or DPO, is a new position that emerged all over the globe with the new privacy regulations, and more recently at the LGPD. Although it already existed in other international legislations, such as the EU's GDPR, it is still a novelty here since 2020. Along with it comes the possibility of outsourcing, known as DPO as a Service (DPOaaS).

Controller and Operator
Data Protection Officer - DPO

18 Sep 2023

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ROPA in LGPD? Get to Know the Records of Processing Activities.

Brazilian LGPD - General Data Protection Law brought with it several acronyms and specific terms. Many of them are imported from other countries and regulations. One of them is ROPA (Record Of Processing Activities), adapted in Brazil to Registros das Atividades de Tratamento. An essential document for any DPO, Data Processor.

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Data Protection Officer - DPO

18 Sep 2023

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How to Choose a CMP (Consent Management Platform)?

Using a CMP (Consent Management Platform) is a great way to make efforts to adapt to new privacy regulations like GDPR, LGPD, DPDPA, CCPA and more...

Cookie Banner

18 Sep 2023

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Tips on how to notify users after a change on the Terms of Use.

Terms of Use are quite literally the contract established between you and the company offering that product or service in a digital manner. Therefore, not only their development but also any eventual changes require careful consideration.

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12 Sep 2023

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We've created a cookie banner plugin.

The WordPress platform powers nearly 450 million websites globally, and it's estimated that 50% of Brazilian websites are on this platform. We are ready to help you, WP lovers!

Cookie Banner

12 Sep 2023

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Responsibilities of a data protection officer.

Drawing an analogy from the world of soccer, we can think of the DPO as the "midfielder" of the team, responsible for connecting the defense and the attack.

LGPD fines
Data Protection Officer - DPO

12 Sep 2023

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What is a CMP (Consent Management Platform)?

A CMP is a tool/platform used to manage the consent of up to millions of users so that a company can use the data of these users for its previously stated purposes.


12 Sep 2023

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What is Privacy by Design?

With it, all companies that collect personal data such as email, name, phone number, among others, must be attentive to its guidelines and obligations. With the arrival of new laws, some terms begin to stand out, one of them is Privacy by Design, learn more in this post.

Privacy by Design

12 Sep 2023

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The impact of privacy regulations, like LGPD, GPDR... on Inbound Marketing

Those who do not operate in accordance with LGPD's provisions risk facing penalties ranging from warnings to the suspension of their website, databases, and hefty fines.

LGPD fines

12 Sep 2023

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GDPR, LGPD, and CCPA: What Are These Laws, Similarities, and Differences

LGPD, GDPR, and CCPA are data privacy regulations. In this article, we discuss their similarities and differences for practical application.

Data Protection Officer - DPO

12 Sep 2023

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How does a cookie banner operate?

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how consent registration works in AdOpt.

Cookie Banner

12 Sep 2023

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What is the ideal privacy policy for your company?

Is there an ideal and _foolproof_ Privacy Policy? This is one of the most difficult questions to answer nowadays. Especially considering all the jurisprudence already established in Europe with the GDPR, the extensive history of cases, and the numerous tips we see in the market. Not to mention the judicial decisions that are already emerging in Brazil with the LGPD.

Privacy Policy

12 Sep 2023

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What is the difference between cookies, local storage, and session storage?

Despite cookies being more well-known, what is the main difference between cookies and session storage and local storage? Why choose one over the other? This article will help you with these doubts!

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12 Sep 2023

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The Impact of Cookie Banners on Your E-commerce - LGPD

Having a cookie banner on your brand's website has become indispensable for many. However, for e-commerce websites, it has practically become an obligation to have one. This is because this type of website has a technological composition in which cookies are a structural part. Login flow, items in the shopping cart, recommendation showcases, remarketing... Most of them rely on cookies.

Cookie Banner

12 Sep 2023

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The Differences Between Data Controller and Data Processor - LGPD

Now that we have the data flow within your company, we need to highlight 2 aspects of LGPD that will help you determine the extent of your responsibility in relation to the many points listed in the company. I'm talking about the difference between Data Controller and Data Processor.

Controller and Operator
Data Protection Officer - DPO

12 Sep 2023

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Once upon a time, there was a company that got fined. - THE END

Sad, but this story is more real than you think. It all started with a "surprise" fine. Ever imagined everything crumbling around you? All because of a fine, an invoice that came "out of nowhere"? Your bank account, clients, your job, your car loan, marriage...

LGPD fines

12 Sep 2023

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LGPD for marketing | A practical guideline.

Every day, millions of users generate data on the web, which is used by companies around the globe to improve their offerings. Therefore, in 2018, a law was created to regulate the use of personal data by companies, and this directly impacts digital marketing. We're talking about LGPD.

LGPD fines

12 Sep 2023

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Key Differences between LGPD and GDPR and the Impact on Internet Cookies

While both regulations share the goal of safeguarding individuals' rights regarding the processing of their personal data, there are some important differences between them. It is crucial to understand these distinctions and their implications, particularly in the context of internet cookies.


12 Sep 2023

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How to choose a Cookie Banner for your website

What are the criteria for this choice, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each option? Well, we're here to help you because this decision needs to be well thought out!

Cookie Banner

12 Sep 2023

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How long can we ignore LGPD?

LGPD is in effect. Despite that, there are still many companies ignoring it, but is that possible? How long can we ignore LGPD?

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LGPD fines

12 Sep 2023

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Fines in LGPD - What are they, amounts, and compliance deadlines

In this article, we will answer all your questions regarding fines under the LGPD (Brazil's General Data Protection Law).

LGPD fines

12 Sep 2023

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Best practices in tag categorization

It's time to talk about one of the most impactful tasks, both for the company and for the visitors of your websites: tag categorization. But why is it so impactful? What is the relevance of this configuration and how can it affect us? It is precisely because of these common questions we receive from our clients that we have written this article on best practices in tag categorization.

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12 Sep 2023

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10 Marketing Processes You Should Rethink under the LGPD!

In the end, our goal has never been to predict doom for companies or to be part of the LGPD's Apocalypse Cavalry. But, since we've been in the market for some time, these kinds of issues always catch our attention when we start data mapping and having conversations with colleagues.

Data Protection Officer - DPO

12 Sep 2023

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Case: AdOpt and NZN Media Group

One of the largest media groups in Latin America, consisting of various content portals in diverse markets, needed a hand with their compliance and consent management.

26 Jun 2023

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LGPD and Cookies all do you need to know?

In this article, you will have a great introduction to the topic, as well as various other variations that revolve around the subject: Cookies and LGPD.


16 May 2023

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How to delete cookies and cache in Chrome and other browsers?

Tired of the ads from that site you visited following you around? Is your computer running slow when accessing a particular website? Want to delete all cookies from a specific service or site?


15 May 2023

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Why are cookie banners everywhere?

Want to understand why there are cookie banners on every website you visit today? This article is for you!

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31 May 2022

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Understand the meaning of the LGPD for your company

Surely you've already seen the predictions of fines and sanctions, processes. But, what does it mean to your company?

Data Protection Officer - DPO

31 May 2022

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Understand the legal bases of the LGPD

At the beginning of everything are the legal bases of the LGPD, that is, the legal grounds (legitimate reasons) why companies not only can, but must access customer data in order to do their jobs well.

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31 May 2022

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