LGPD: An Opportunity for Digital Marketing Agencies!

LGPD: An Opportunity for Digital Marketing Agencies!

10 months ago
João Bruno Soares
7 minutes

Have you ever thought that your marketing agency could find a great business opportunity in LGPD, GDPR, CCPA...?

Well, unlike what many think, it brings changes that can accelerate the demand for the services of these companies.

After all, the new privacy regulations like the GDPR, CCPA, and the LGPD (General Data Protection Law (LGPD)) - as it shouldn't be news to anyone - has brought significant changes to how companies handle third-party data. This applies to data processed on the internet or not.

And marketing is one of the areas directly affected by the new rules because its digital operations depend on third-party data, which is precisely the focus of the LGPD, for example.

So, how about learning more about how to leverage this new law to create opportunities in the field of marketing?

To do that, keep reading and see everything about the subject below! (I'll keep using the LGPDas an example, but, the same logic applies to any privacy regulation.)

LGPD Doesn't Mean the End of Digital Marketing, Quite the Opposite

Like other novelties, the emergence of LGPD has also brought many rumors, created legends, and generated a lot of apprehension! After all, it changes how data was previously treated and introduces new obligations.

LGPD aims especially at transparency regarding data usage, as well as using data in accordance with the consent of the data subject and within the limits of this authorization.

For this reason, many believed that it would bring an end to the golden age of digital marketing. After all, it requires user information, which, in turn, requires their consent.

Considering the various accesses and actions that occur on web pages, as well as the numerous impressions and reach that marketing aims for, this seemed impossible.

However, it's not.

It's possible to organize digital marketing in accordance with the General Data Protection Law in a way that it continues to generate leads and attract customers and interested parties. Below, I've included an article to help you on this journey:

### TIP: 10 marketing processes you should reconsider due to LGPD.

Significant Changes for Marketing Have Emerged with LGPD

Marketing hasn't died, but that doesn't mean it doesn't require updates in its tools and how it operates.

For example, consent will always be present in the collection of any data that the user provides, either directly or indirectly. It is only with consent that a company can use the information for any purpose, including marketing.

Certainly, other legal bases of LGPD serve as the foundation for data permission and usage. But, in any case, consent ends up being a part of all of them since at some point in the data flow, the individual consented to providing that product/service.

Similarly, the use of this data must always be clear, whether the user voluntarily provides their information (such as in form submissions) or if it's collected automatically through cookies and other tools.

In this sense, it's important to keep in mind that marketing only succeeds when it has data to guide its actions, including now the confirmation that proves the data was collected regularly. Therefore, this data can only be collected and used after the user is notified of it and grants their consent, or through another legal basis.

To obtain consent, numerous tools are available, as we'll see next.

### Learn more about adapting digital marketing to the General Data Protection Law.

Outsourcing Marketing Becomes an Interesting Option, Provided Agencies Know How to Handle It

So, you might be wondering: Ok, LGPD brought changes regarding marketing. But where do agencies fit into this?

Many companies choose to conduct marketing activities themselves or even outsource a large portion of them. In any case, the service needs to be done and now fully compliant with LGPD. That is, whether they are internal actions or third-party actions conducted by specialists, all must adjust.

This leads to a series of new demands, routines, and daily processes that someone will have to be responsible for.

Can some of the new demands created by LGPD become part of the agency's service portfolio?

We already know that simply ignoring them can lead to fines and sanctions under LGPD which can require significant amounts of money and even lead to the suspension of the website or database.

Furthermore, there's another very important aspect for marketing agencies regarding LGPD. After all, as of LGPD, captured data will only be what's consented, which provides a rich ground for campaigns.

In other words, the law requires data to be collected with the user's authorization, which they provide voluntarily.

This means that marketing now has data that genuinely directs it toward those who are already interested in the company's services or products and are engaged!

Therefore, LGPD is an opportunity for marketing agencies in that they can present themselves as experts in adapting product promotion and customer acquisition strategies to comply with the law!

Develop a Marketing Policy Based on LGPD

Agencies have various ways to adapt marketing strategies. For example, here are some of the tools that need to be reviewed:

  • Marketing emails;
  • Sponsored ads;
  • Forms;
  • Landing pages, and more.

Note that all these tools collect user data, whether through the use of cookies or by requesting contact information (among others) to access information, promotions, and products.

Therefore, all of them should follow the development of a policy that makes it clear to the user that this data will be used, as well as the limits of data usage.

A good LGPD tool is the cookie banner that asks for a "check" before data is sent and consent is granted, among other things.

Learn more about how a cookie banner works!

Other LGPD Adaptations Beyond Digital Marketing

Furthermore, it's important to consider the website itself, where advertising pages can drive user traffic.

In this case, it's interesting for the website to be equipped with a tool that presents all the company's policies regarding data usage in one place.

That is, the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and also the Cookie Policy. In this case, all of them provide information about data usage and related information.

Learn everything about the Privacy Policy, how it works, and its requirements!

For this, count on AdOpt! Our tool works by granting a tab as a pop-up that opens on your website every time someone accesses it.

There, it's possible to access the website rules, data usage policies (in their various forms), and consent collection.

Learn more about the Cookie banner, its advantages, and how to use it.



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