Once upon a time, there was a company that got fined. - THE END

Once upon a time, there was a company that got fined. - THE END

10 months ago
João Bruno Soares
7 minutes

Sad, but this story is more real than you think.

It all started with a "surprise" fine.

Ever imagined everything crumbling around you? All because of a fine, an invoice that came "out of nowhere"? Your bank account, clients, your job, your car loan, marriage...

All ruined. Everyone on the streets, from the doorman to the big shots. No one was spared. It was Tuesday when the government email arrived, at 8:30. I had just grabbed a coffee, and my computer was still booting up.

Our company's name was everywhere. But, in the worst possible way.

We became the "Example of what not to do." Man, I felt like a criminal.

Seriously, no one cares about it until it happens to you. (I think we were reported)

I didn't quite understand, skimmed through it, read it again... Then I sent it to the lawyer... of course!

He called me - yelling at me! (I had never seen him yell before.)

"But aren't you compliant with the Privacy Laws? Didn't we talk about this?" "I thought everything was in order," he said.

"Yes, Doctor, it was!" I nervously replied. "All in the plan, but for next month... We didn't have time, so much to do!"

You know what he told me?

"My dear, the Government couldn't care less about your planning!" "Get this done, yesterday!" "STOP sending emails however you want!" "STOP with this kind of marketing!"

"Man, nowadays, it's all about digital marketing..." "No way - the law is the law!"

He kept repeating that. "The law is the law!" "Whether it's a bank, a newspaper, or a small online shop that just started yesterday." "The law is the law!"

Suddenly, I found myself shouting back. "OK, but... how? WHAT'S MISSING?" "The privacy policy has been on the website since..."

He interrupted me again!

"Where's the cookie banner I sent you?" (To be honest, I've never understood that annoying "accept cookies thing.")

"Pay attention! Now, that would be our public proof that YOUR COMPANY is doing 'something', you know? That's why there's that 'annoying notice' on every website, man!" _ "It works as insurance for YOU. It shows that you're aware, that you care about the law, you know?"_

I almost choked on my now-cold coffee when he said that.

"The Government couldn't care less about your good intentions." "Alright, Sir. But, now what?"

"Now? You tell me! How are you going to prove that a certain person let you use their data? You'll have to work twice as hard... A good cookie banner helps with that proof, providing the details we need, now, got it?"

"Or do you think these big companies do it for no reason? ...  No one knows when, man, no one!"

By that point, I had already finished my cold coffee. Just before he hung up on me, he said:

_"Everyone thinks the law only catches the big guys… The fines are getting to the small companies, already.  Didn't you see the news about the fine?"

"What country do you live in?" "I'll call you back; let me check something."_

(hung up) …

How much is your peace worth? How much have you invested to get where you are? Can you guarantee that this won't be your story? As the saying goes: "Better safe than sorry."

That's what AdOpt does. We are the best cookie banner on the market.

Because even if the law changes out of the blue, we'll update everything and be here, 24 hours a day.

Protecting Johns' car shop website in Chicago, and Alice's thrift e-commerce in Boston... even for North Face, GoPro, DIESEL, JanSport…

Because no one wants to take that risk. Or do you want to pay? When was the last time the government helped you? Some fines can be up to 2% of your ANNUAL revenue for each violation committed. Can you afford that?

Don't postpone the protection of YOUR company!

Mark it done in your to-do, NOW.

In minutes, you secure your sleep and get back to focusing on what matters.

So, are you willing to take the risk? Will you postpone it again?


LGPD fines

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