Connecticut CTDPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

Connecticut CTDPA and Cookies: All You Need to Know

3 months ago
João Bruno Soares
13 minutes

A state regulation, the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA), is intended to safeguard the privacy of residents in Connecticut. It regulates the management of personal data by businesses, with a focus on providing consumers more control over their information. That includes cookies as well, so this article is going to guide you through everything new with respect of data privacy.

Businesses collecting or processing data of Connecticut residents should definitely look into CTDPA.

Introduction and Importance of CTDPA

CTDPA mandates disclosure relating to what type of personal information is being collected, how it will be used and stored by the business. This involves giving people clear information about what personal data you are processing and obtaining their consent.

Any for the consumer means more control and safeguards on his personal data. CTDPA Compliance is essential for businesses as this can build the trust or credibility factor that a business have in it.

Important Dates and Timelines

The CTDPA was signed into law on May 10, 2022 and becomes effective July 1, 2023. Failure to comply could result in fines for businesses The earlier you start the better, reviewing your data practices and putting in place changes to ensure these new requirements are met.

Who Needs to Comply with the Connecticut Data Privacy Act?

Applicability of the CTDPA

The CTDPA is relevant to any entity that:

Processes or controls the personal information of not less than one hundred thousand Connecticut residents annually,or

Sells personal data for more than 25% of their gross revenue, or

This includes services in retail, technology and digital marketing. If your business qualifies under the CTDPA, then you are required to comply with it by this deadline.

CTDPA's Important Provisions and Applicability

Key Provisions of the CTDPA

The CTDPA mirrors several provisions found in data privacy acts of other states, with a closer resemblance to Colorado's Privacy Act (CPA) and Virginia's Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA). Like its counterparts, the CTDPA grants consumers various rights, including the right to access, correct inaccuracies, delete personal data, obtain data copies in a portable format, and opt out of data sale and processing.

Applicability of the CTDPA

The act applies to entities conducting business in Connecticut or offering products or services targeted to Connecticut residents. The threshold criteria include either controlling or processing the personal data of 100,000 or more consumers or controlling or processing data of at least 25,000 consumers while deriving over 25% of gross revenue from data sales. Notably, the CTDPA stands out for not incorporating a revenue threshold, positioning it as one of the more consumer-friendly state privacy laws.

Exemptions under CTDPA

Exceptions to CTDPA Compliance

Several Exemptions Under the CTDPA, Some Entities and Data Fall Outside Pixabay These exemptions are of great importance to grasp in order to decide whether your organization needs to follow the regulation. Understand what all of the facts are and the kind of public your websites attract! Exempted entities include:

State Agencies: government entities functioning on the stage degree.

Nonprofit Organization: Not-for-profit entities

Higher Education Institutions: institutions of higher education.

National Securities Associations: (Firms registered under theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934)

GLBA for Financial Institutions: Collection & Recipient of information by financial institutions California, enables people against misappropriation offences to find and recover pretty excellent damages plus that directly comes about or correlated right back into a violative accessing peace at school.

Public Health Authorities: Government agencies with the responsibility for monitoring health or otherwise attempting to prevent occurrences of health care delivery.

HIPAA-Covered Entities: Covered entities or business associates whose work is subject to the rules and regulations indicated in the federal regulation called, "the implementation specifications for required Administrative Simplification provisions."

Compliance with Other Privacy Laws: Personal data processed in compliance with other privacy laws (Financial information, transaction details and credit ratings associated personal Information that is protected under Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”); Driver’s License Number & Flight History are provided by individual users based on the service they use your site for; this might be stored).

Exemption for Payment Transaction: Personal data processed exclusively to perform the payment transaction will be exempted from CTDPA.

CTDPA does not apply to businesses processing data exclusively for personal or household activities.

Cookie Consent Requirements

Requesting express and unambiguous consent from users to collect their data using cookies is a necessity under CTDPA. If you require tracking as for analytical purposes, this implies a cookie banner with an explanation of the data that will be sent and how it is meant to use.

A CMP (such as AdOpt) can allow this process to be done quickly and personally making sure that the cookie consent mechanisms are regulation compliant.

Here comes the article on How to choose a Cookie Banner.

California Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Businesses need to include a do not sell my data option for users It is something you might mention in your Cookie notice, or provide a link to somewhere that IS easily accessible (on the website). Visibility of this option must be great, as compliance is the name of the game.

Information About The Cookies Types We Use

You will be asked to provide details on the different categories of cookies used by your site in relation to what is written below, so make sure you include all relevant information about cookie usage as well. Differentiate between essential cookies and non-essential cookies that are used for analytics, advertising purposes etc., Being transparent here will help to win the trust of your users.

Informed Choice About Cookies

The CTDPA mandates that users must give their explicit consent before you can track cookies. This requires that sites provide users with information about the purpose of each cookie and get their explicit, expressed permission before any cookies are dropped.

Consent requirements are something a CMP like AdOpt can easily manage for you.

Make it easy to Opt-Out

Users must have an option to disable cookies easily This includes the ability to easily withdraw consent at any time. Compliancy does not mean you should bury the opt-out process with a tenet of conditions, it needs to be made as easy and user-friendly as possible for both compliance and customer trust.

Offer Preference for the User to Regulate Cookie Acceptance

A large part of the CTDPA is regarding semi-user cookie control. It can be done with a cookie banner that presents options for the user to accept or reject different types of cookies. Offering these choices puts more accountability on the users end, which allows for your website to be maturer.

Keep Cookie Consent Records

One important CTDPA requirement is maintaining robust logs of user consent. They must keep records of when consent was given, how it was obtained (in particular for each type of cookies). This documentation can be useful to show your compliance in the event of an audit or investigation.

Mistakes to Avoid with CTDPA Cookie Requirements

Forced Action

For example, insisting that users accept cookies in order to use your site. This is a called forced action, which violate CTDPA regulation. Total Unrestricted Access: And users should be allowed to roam you site with or without cookies accepted.


Nagging = When users decline, be like: "Are You Sure? This is likely going to create an unpleasant user experience and eventually breach. Your cookie consent banner should respect a user decision and not persistently keep showing it again.


Obstruction means that it is made as complicated for you to say no to cookies. That can be small or hidden buttons, either a complicated process. CTDPA mandates that declining cookies should be as simple and clear to do so as accepting them.


Another thing to avoid is preselecting consent options for users. No options should be on automatically, so that users have to consent which cookies they want enable. We ask your permission to collect the data, he said and added it is needed if somebody wants translational POC.

Trick Wording

Misleading or deceiving language - any kind of "trick wording" used to gain consent is non-compliant, specially on you cookie notice. Simple clear plain English language, not legal tongue or words which make no sense and might encourage people to give consent inadvertently.

Visual Interference

Do not employ visual impediments (high-production animations, creative designs) to obscure the opt-out features. Instead, design your cookie banner to display all choices visibly and without bias -this way users can more easily locate their desired options.

Consent Mode: Not even bothering to pay due diligence and get proper consent from users can end up attracting hefty fines. Make sure your cookie banners are visible and that they explain with clear visual elements what this entails.

Weak Privacy Policies: Your privacy policy must be comprehensive, readily discernible and explain how data is collected, used and secured.

Failing To Stay Up to Date: Privacy laws are living, breathing documents and what you thought was okay a year ago may no longer be the case. Continuously update the processes of your consent management in accordance with legislative requirements.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failing to follow the CTDPA can lead penalties and legal charges.

Penalties range in price depending on the extent of the offense, but they can reach up $7,500 per infraction. Avoiding financial penalties for non-compliance is only one reason to be vigilant with your infrastructure, they also ensure you build trust and credibility in the marketplace.

Legal Consequences

Failure to comply with CTDPA would incur monetary penalties, but non-compliance may also be followed by legal consequences. This could be a class-action lawsuit from consumers whose data protection rights have been affected, and enforcement through regulatory authorities.

Legal violations pose a serious threat to a company’s image and forces it to pay large fines or settlements. Revenue, data, and fines in other US law are detailed in the table below: Ready to Achieve Compliance? Achieving compliance with CTDPA is not hard when you use AdOpt. Our cookie management platform makes navigating these strict requirements a breeze. Reach out and book a video call with our expert to discover how AdOpt can make it easy for your company to comply and better secure your consumers’ data. That’s How to Comply? Opt-in Consent A critical component of meeting CTDPA’s criteria is a working opt-in consent mechanism for cookies. This requires that users clearly accept cookies before any information is collected.

You should display a cookie notice the first time that someone goes to your website, which clearly tells people what cookies you use and why. This would then enable the user to select which cookies they give consent for, their right of choice being informed and explicit.

Table of comparison for other US regulations comparing Revenue, Data and Fines.

LawStateRevenue ThresholdData ProcessingConsent RequiredFines
CTDPAConnecticutN/A100,000 residents or 25% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
TIPATennesseeN/A25,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
TDPSATexas$25M50,000 residentsYesUp to $7,500 per violation
CCPACalifornia$25M50,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
VCDPAVirginia$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
OCPAOregon$25M100,000 residentsYesUp to $7,500 per violation
FDBRFlorida-50,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $5,000 per violation
CPAColorado$25M100,000 residents or 25% revenueYesUp to $20,000 per violation
NYPANew York$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
MnDPAMinnesota$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
NCCPANorth Carolina$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
MDPDAMassachusetts$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
UCPAUtah$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation
PCDPAPennsylvania$25M100,000 residents or 50% revenueYesUp to $7,500 per violation

Ready to Ensure Compliance?

Compliance with CTDPA doesn't have to be daunting. AdOpt's CMP is designed to help you navigate these requirements smoothly.

Schedule a demo call with our specialist to see how AdOpt can help your business stay compliant and protect your customers' data effectively.

Best Practices: How to Comply with CTDPA

Opt-out Consent

As well as opt-in consent, it is equally important to give people the ability to easily say no - they must be able make an informed choice. Users must be able to revoke their consent when they want.

One way to do this is through a cookie banner that remains open, giving users the ability to easily navigate changing their mind on cookies at any time. That the unsubscription process is made as simple and clear only protect you on your bulk mailing campaign journey.

Opt-in/outCookie Consent Management

Managing both opt-in and out-out consent is critical to ensure CTDPA compliance. This is much simpler with a powerful CMP solution like AdOpt.

A CMP will help you keep a meticulous inventory of user consents, maintain comprehensive consent tracking and provide updates in compliance with current cookie policy. This not only helps with compliance but also offers a better user experience.

The CTDPA and Consumer Rights

Access to Personal Data

Consumers have the right to access their personal data under the CTDPA. It gives any consumer the right to request a copy of their data, as other websites have written. This information needs to be in a format that is straightforward and easy for the general public. Being transparent about what data you capture and how it is used can help to build trust with your users, as well ensuring compliance in the regulation. Consumers, likewise, have the right of information that businesses keep on them.

Data Deletion Requests

You have the right to ask for your personal data not to be processed and in certain circumstances you can also get such a request deleted. If You receive a deletion request, Your business is required to erase the individual's data from your systems unless it must be retained by law. As such, it is essential to make sure you have a clean and simple way for processing these requests in order to ensure compliance with the law as well as nurturing a better relationship between yourself (as business) and your customers. This right also extends to the deletion of users' personal data from business databases.

Data Portability

Data portability rights given to consumer by CTDPA It will also allow people to ask that their data be transferred between service providers in a standard and machine-readable format. Compliance is about making sure your systems can manage all of the inbound type-checking request. Not only does this practice comply with regulations, but also helps in powering the consumer behavior by qualifying them towards their data. Consumers also have a right to receive his or her data in readable form that may be transferred by the consumer to another controller.

Correction of Inaccuracies

A right for consumers to correct inaccuracies in the personal data businesses collect. Of course, this one guarantees that the data businesses hold is both accurate and kept updated - a critical component to maintaining trust with consumers.

Opt-out Rights

Customers are able to opt out of this data being processed and sold. It is essential to make it easy for consumers to opt out of data sale or processing and keep clear records that demonstrate compliance with both the letter and spirit of they laws, in relation too consumer wishes about personal information.

CTDPA vs Other US Regulations: Key Differences?

Connecticut vs USA Privacy Laws

What Is the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA), and Why Should You Care? Individual states have their own intricacies where requirements are concerned, driving businesses to navigate amongst multiple laws if they are operating across state lines.

Scope and Applicability: The CTDPA applies to organizations that process or control the personal data of more than 100,000 Connecticut residents annually or derive over 25% of their gross revenue from selling personal data. Other states, like California with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), have different thresholds, including businesses with gross revenues over $25 million or those that handle the data of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices annually.

Consumer Rights: Both CTDPA and CCPA grant consumers rights such as access to personal data, data deletion, and data portability. However, there are nuances in how these rights are implemented and the processes businesses must follow to comply. For instance, Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA) and Colorado’s Privacy Act (CPA) offer similar rights but with slight variations in execution.

Consent Requirements: CTDPA places a strong emphasis on opt-in consent for data collection, particularly for sensitive personal data. The CCPA operates primarily on an opt-out basis, especially concerning the sale of personal data. The upcoming laws in states like Utah, Florida, and Texas also emphasize different aspects of consent, either opt-in or opt-out.

Enforcement and Penalties: The penalties for non-compliance also differ. Under CTDPA, businesses can face fines of up to $7,500 per violation. The CCPA imposes fines of up to $2,500 per unintentional violation and up to $7,500 per intentional violation. Other states, like Virginia and Colorado, have set similar penalty structures but with different enforcement approaches.

Upcoming Privacy Regulations: Apart from CTDPA, several other states have enacted or are in the process of enacting privacy regulations. These include:

Virginia: Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA)

Colorado: Privacy Act (CPA)

Utah: Utah Consumer Privacy Act (UCPA) (NCY-DA Only)

Florida: Florida Privacy Protection Act (FPPA)

TEXAS:Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA)

Oregon: Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA)

Nevada: Privacy Law (NePL)

New York: New York Privacy Act (NYPA)

Massachusetts: General Law: Massachusetts Data Privacy Act (MDPA)

North Carolina: North Carolina Consumer Privacy Act (NCCPA) Post

Minnesota: DataPrivacy Act (MnPDA)

Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Consumer Data Privacy Act (PCDPA)

This variety of state laws, along with the trend towards multiple new regulations every year shows why it is important to conform your data privacy practices for each states law. However, dealing with various regulations create more complexity when it comes to data governance and a CMP like AdOpt can help you deal with these complexities by providing consistent solution.

Steps Toward Compliance with the CTDPA

Compliance with the CTDPA

Ensuring compliance with the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) involves several key steps, including:

Awareness and Monitoring

Stay informed about state legislative developments related to data privacy, and monitor changes to the CTDPA. The evolving data privacy landscape requires businesses to stay vigilant.

Legal Counsel Review

Regularly review the text of the CTDPA with legal counsel to assess compliance and identify necessary steps. Partnering with legal counsel is crucial for ensuring adherence to the regulation.

Consent Management Platforms (CMP)

Utilize Consent Management Platforms, like AdOpt, to streamline compliance efforts. CMPs offer customizable consent management, automate data subject access requests, and provide tools for effective vendor management. A CMP can ease the compliance burden through these functionalities.

Data Protection Assessments

Conduct and document data protection assessments for processing activities that pose a heightened risk of harm to consumers, including targeted advertising, data sales, profiling, and processing of sensitive data.

Consumer Communication

Provide clear and accessible privacy notices to consumers, outlining categories of processed data, the purpose of processing, how consumers can exercise their rights, data sharing practices, and contact information for the data controller.

Consent Mechanisms

Ensure compliance with opt-out mechanisms, such as the Global Privacy Control, allowing consumers to opt out of targeted advertising or the sale of personal data.

Phased Compliance Approach

Be mindful of the phased compliance approach under the CTDPA, addressing violations within the specified cure period and preparing for full compliance requirements after January 1, 2025.

By addressing these aspects, businesses can navigate the complexities of the CTDPA and maintain adherence to evolving data privacy standards.

FAQ for Connecticut CTDPA

What are the rules for cookie consent?

Under CTDPA, businesses must obtain clear and informed consent from users before collecting any data through cookies. This involves providing a cookie notice that explains what data is being collected and why, and allowing users to opt-in or opt-out.

Is consent for cookies required?

Yes, consent for cookies is required under the CTDPA. Users must be given the option to accept or decline cookies before any data collection occurs.

Which countries need cookie banners?

Cookie banners are required in many countries with strict privacy laws, including those in the European Union under the GDPR, as well as various states in the USA like California under CCPA and Connecticut under CTDPA.

What is the CT data privacy law in 2023?

The Connecticut Data Privacy Act (CTDPA) is a law that came into effect on July 1, 2023, designed to protect the personal data of Connecticut residents. It requires businesses to obtain consent for data collection, provide data access and deletion options, and ensure data portability.

Who does the Connecticut Data Privacy Act apply to?

The CTDPA applies to any organization that processes or controls the personal data of more than 100,000 Connecticut residents annually or derives over 25% of their gross revenue from selling personal data.

Is Connecticut an opt-in state?

Yes, Connecticut requires an opt-in consent mechanism for the collection of personal data. Consumers can opt-out of the sale of their personal data to third parties and can designate a third party to opt-out on their behalf.

Does the CTDPA Protect the Personal Data of Children and Teens?

Yes, the CTDPA includes provisions to protect the personal data of children and teens, ensuring that their data is handled with extra care and requiring parental consent for younger children.

Are cookies considered PII?

Yes, cookies can be considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII) if they can identify an individual or household when linked with additional information like IP addresses or device identifiers.

Is Connecticut a consent state?

For recording in-person conversations, Connecticut requires at least one party's consent. For telephonic conversations, consent from all parties is needed to avoid civil liability. For personal data collections, processing, sellings, yes. Make sure you understand the criterias for businesses and exemptions.

Are cookies classified?

Yes, cookies are classified based on their expiration (session or persistent), who sets them (first-party or third-party), and their function (necessary, preferences, statistics, marketing). Your cookie policy should list all cookies used, along with their purpose and duration.

Are cookies considered data?

Yes, cookies are considered personal data under most privacy laws as they can be used to identify individuals or households. Users must be given the option to opt-out of cookies used for targeted advertising.

Can I be identified by cookies?

While cookies themselves cannot identify you personally, they can be linked with other data to profile users. Thus, they are considered personal data under many privacy regulations.

Don't move compliance to the bottom of your to-do list…

AdOpt's CMP is designed to help you navigate these requirements smoothly.

Schedule a demo call with our specialist to see how AdOpt can help your business stay compliant and protect your customers' data effectively.


Cookie Banner
Controller and Operator

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