5 Signs Your Website Needs an Cookie Consent Strategy

5 Signs Your Website Needs an Cookie Consent Strategy

1 year ago
João Bruno Soares
7 minutes

How does your website handle privacy regulations like LGPD, CCPA, GDPR...?

What strategies does it use to comply with the any of them? Have you thought about using a cookie banner but don't know if your site has cookies or if it's enough? If you can't answer these questions, be cautious! Your page may be exposed to fines and other sanctions.

Below, check out 5 signs that indicate your strategies either don't exist or aren't working as they should. So keep reading to ensure the necessary compliance of your site with the principles of the law that regulates data consent.

5 Signs You Need a Cookie Consent Strategy Right Now

Check out the top 5 signs that your website isn't in compliance with privacy regulations and then see how to start your adjustment!

1 - You Have No Control Over the Data You Collect and Use

This is an undeniable sign that you need to reconsider how you view LGPD, GDPR, CCPA, etc. After all, it regulates the use of third-party data.

It requires respect for user privacy and their consent. Therefore, data usage should always be informed. Not only that, but also the purposes to which it is directed, the way it is stored, and the period of use.

So, consider that if you don't know what data you collect, how will you inform the visitor? Furthermore, how will you ensure that the use of this information complies with the limits imposed by the data subject?

These are important questions that indicate that something is not right on your website regarding privacy and its requirements.

LPs created without control, rich content available for download without accepting terms and policies, mailing lists being shared and passed from campaign to campaign... Be cautious!

I've separated this article for you, in case this is your situation:

Understand the meaning of LGPD for your company.

2 - There's No Information About the Use of Cookies

Cookies are another type of data that, in principle, should be informed by websites to their visitors. After all, they also capture information about these data subjects and, therefore, fall within the concept of data usage that any privacy regulation addresses.

The use of cookies is almost natural for most websites, especially if they come from e-commerce platforms, for example.

### To check if your site triggers cookies, access it from a computer and - in Google Chrome, click on the padlock just to the left of the address. It should show exactly which ones and how many there are.

However, many pages fail to see cookies for what they really are: data files and personal information. Therefore, the absence of this communication to your site's visitors is dangerous as it can be a violation of the law.

In fact, not just that, but the collection of them without prior consent is also a violation. You know that "We use Cookies" pop-up? Well, it's not there for no reason.

It's a way to comply with GDPR, CCPA,LGPD... as it informs the use of this type of file while capturing authorization to use them.

3 - Generic Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Your site probably has documents such as Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. They inform, respectively, the use of visitor data (and capture authorization for it) and the prevailing rules, rights, and duties.

Therefore, they are very important, especially in the times of privacy regulations! They stand out for their informative content to promote transparency with the data subject.

It is up to the data subject, then, to accept or not the conditions therein. In this sense, it is worth noting that the site may suspend access to some services, for example, due to a lack of acceptance of the rules and conditions. And that is natural since some of them are only possible with the authorization to use certain data.

Either way, these are important documents. But they shouldn't just be there. They should be specific to what the site offers and how it operates. So if you made your terms and policies based on Ctrl C + Ctrl V, pay attention!

It's time to review these documents and rewrite them to make them compatible with the reality of the site. Also, to fill gaps and clarify data usage. Below, I've separated a few more articles for you:

4 - Data Loss or Data Breach

When it comes to data loss, it's time to sound the alarm. Data breaches are a clear sign that your privacy compliance strategy needs urgent correction or revision.

After all, it should be developed to maintain the confidentiality of data and their use in accordance with the data subject's consent or the legal basis chosen. Also, to ensure the protection of this information.

Data breaches are compromising! They can tarnish the company's reputation and often that of its customers and suppliers as well. Furthermore, the company can be held responsible for them and, as a result, face significant sanctions, including hefty fines.

Understand the difference between Data Controller and Data Processor here.

And it's not just data loss itself. The lack of a clear plan of action in the event of information leaks is also an indication that you urgently need to work on your LGPD strategies. Below are some more articles to help you with this review:

5 - Absence of Designation of a Data Protection Officer

Finally, the last sign that your website needs an LGPD, GDPR, CCPA strategy is the absence of the designation of a Data Protection Officer or DPO (Data Protection Officer) for the processing of data on your site.

This figure is a requirement of LGPD, GDPR, CCPA and, according to the laws, is responsible for controlling and managing data processing. They carry out tasks determined by the Data Controller.

They are also the ones who handle complaints from personal data subjects, provide explanations, and communicate with them. Similarly, they control the entry and exit of consents, so they take the necessary actions to ensure compliance with authorizations. In this article, I explain more about the responsibilities of a Data Protection Officer or DPO in LGPD.

So, how about adapting your site to LGPD, GDPR, CCPA?

If you have recognized that your site falls into any of the signs above, it's a sign that you should take action to align it with the law. Otherwise, you may face fines and other penalties that could even lead to the suspension of your page's activities.

Not to mention the impact on your brand's image in the eyes of the public, as someone who could care more about data privacy.

So, it's more than time to review your privacy strategies in the face of LGPD, GDPR, CCPA... For this, count on AdOpt, which helps you not only organize them but also control the entry and use of data, as well as consents about them.


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