Detailed changes on AdOpt's Privacy Policy and Terms of use - April.24

Privacy Policy:

(Last updated on 02/04/2024)

AdOpt Cookies

  • We have added two new cookies to our system, which will be triggered when using AdOpt services.
  • Visitor ID and AdoptGD.
  • You don't need to change anything; their listing will already be ready in your notice within the AdOpt Tag. For more information on AdOpt Cookies and their technical details, here's our official description.

Cookie Triggers in the logged-in area.

We have added two new services that trigger cookies within our logged-in area.

  • Microsoft Clarity and Mixpanel, both technologies that assist in user behavior analysis in our environments.

Cloud Provider and Data Processing.

  • We have changed our data storage and processing server from Oracle Cloud to Microsoft Azure, maintaining an even higher standard of compliance and security than we previously used.

Customer Communication and Management:

  • We have implemented 2 new tools to improve our processes: Active Campaign and Kommo CRM. Both assist in managing user data for day-to-day communication.

Database Query and Metrics Maintenance:

  • We have introduced Metabase and ChartMogul for creating operational team tracking metrics, seeking better performance and facilitating low-code queries to the database.

Technical Tickets:

  • We use GitHub for ticket service and documentation of technical tasks, which may receive customer data in ticket creation between technical and support teams.

International Legislations:

We highlight specific compliance aspects for international legislations in new countries where our new customers and users are located. Below are the main ones:

  • Europe: European Union - GDPR, United Kingdom - DPA - UK GDPR,

  • Americas: Brazil - LGPD, Mexico - DPL, Canada - PIPEDA,

  • United States of America: California - CCPA & CRPA, Colorado - CPA, Connecticut - CTDPA, Utah - UCPA, Virginia - VCDPA, Delaware - DPDPA, Montana - MTCDPA, Florida - FDBR, Texas - TDPSA, Oregon - OCPA, Indiana - ICDPA, New Jersey - NJDPA, Iowa - ICDPA, Tennessee - TIPA.

  • Africa: Saudi Arabia - PDPL, South Africa - POPIA

  • Asia: China - PIPL, Thailand - PDPA, India - DPDPA, Indonesia - PDP, Japan - APPI, Malaysia - PDPA, Russia - 152-FZ.

Update of the address and description of group companies.

  • AdOpt has formed an independent business group with operational subsidiaries in Brazil and the United States.
  • The Brazilian subsidiary has its own CNPJ, and we have included all updated information, forums, and respective addresses.
  • This change does not affect our activity, management, quality, mission, vision, or values ​​of service provision. For updates and/or eventual re-registration of AdOpt's data as a supplier, we are available at email:

Text and Writing Updates.

  • Simple changes to facilitate understanding for everyone, including in other languages in which the policy will be translated.

Terms of Use

Inclusion of a new periodicity in plans.

  • Addition of new periods for plan subscriptions. In addition to monthly and annual, we now also offer biennial and triennial plans.

Use of Brand, Testimonials, and Intellectual Property.

  • Further detailing regarding confidentiality of information, intellectual property, and usage of platform licenses.
  • Expanded permission from AdOpt to utilize users' brands, logos, and testimonials in its institutional communication environments.

White-label Platforms and AdOpt's Responsibilities.

  • Further detailing regarding the offering of the AdOpt Platform in White-label mode, including limits and responsibilities for both parties.

Adjustments due to inflation and interest for default.

  • Removal of mention of interest tied to the IPCA/IBGE index, and an annual ceiling has been established for any potential inflationary adjustments, thus reinforcing the unique and global pricing stance for different countries.

Section on Data Processing.

  • Reinforcement of descriptions of responsibility and compliance with all Privacy Laws, also highlighting other legislations such as:

    • Europe: European Union - GDPR, United Kingdom - DPA - UK GDPR,

    • Americas: Brazil - LGPD, Mexico - DPL, Canada - PIPEDA,

    • United States of America: California - CCPA & CRPA, Colorado - CPA, Connecticut - CTDPA, Utah - UCPA, Virginia - VCDPA, Delaware - DPDPA, Montana - MTCDPA, Florida - FDBR, Texas - TDPSA, Oregon - OCPA, Indiana - ICDPA, New Jersey - NJDPA, Iowa - ICDPA, Tennessee - TIPA.

    • Africa: Saudi Arabia - PDPL, South Africa - POPIA

    • Asia: China - PIPL, Thailand - PDPA, India - DPDPA, Indonesia - PDP, Japan - APPI, Malaysia - PDPA, Russia - 152-FZ.

  • Further detailing of data subjects' rights listed in privacy legislations.

  • Further detailing regarding the involvement of data subprocessors and AdOpt's responsibility for all parties involved.

  • Further detailing of responsibilities for compliance regulations, formalization, and availability of the Business Continuity and Contingency Plan.

Rights of AdOpt:

  • Expanded permission from AdOpt to utilize customers' brands, logos, and testimonials in its environments and institutional communication.

Text Updates.

  • Simple changes to facilitate understanding for everyone, including in other languages in which the policy will be translated.

Update of the address and description of group companies.

  • AdOpt has formed an independent business group with operational subsidiaries in Brazil and the United States.
  • The Brazilian subsidiary has its own CNPJ, and we have included all updated information, forums, and respective addresses.

This change does not affect our activity, management, quality, mission, vision, or values ​​of service provision. For updates and/or eventual re-registration of AdOpt's data as a supplier, we are available at email:

Address: 7345 W Sand Lake Road, Ste 210 Office 5898 Orlando, FL 32819
EIN: 86-3965064
Phone: +1 (407) 768-3792



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