(Last updated on 02/04/2024)
We have added two new services that trigger cookies within our logged-in area.
We highlight specific compliance aspects for international legislations in new countries where our new customers and users are located. Below are the main ones:
Europe: European Union - GDPR, United Kingdom - DPA - UK GDPR,
Americas: Brazil - LGPD, Mexico - DPL, Canada - PIPEDA,
United States of America: California - CCPA & CRPA, Colorado - CPA, Connecticut - CTDPA, Utah - UCPA, Virginia - VCDPA, Delaware - DPDPA, Montana - MTCDPA, Florida - FDBR, Texas - TDPSA, Oregon - OCPA, Indiana - ICDPA, New Jersey - NJDPA, Iowa - ICDPA, Tennessee - TIPA.
Africa: Saudi Arabia - PDPL, South Africa - POPIA
Asia: China - PIPL, Thailand - PDPA, India - DPDPA, Indonesia - PDP, Japan - APPI, Malaysia - PDPA, Russia - 152-FZ.
Reinforcement of descriptions of responsibility and compliance with all Privacy Laws, also highlighting other legislations such as:
Europe: European Union - GDPR, United Kingdom - DPA - UK GDPR,
Americas: Brazil - LGPD, Mexico - DPL, Canada - PIPEDA,
United States of America: California - CCPA & CRPA, Colorado - CPA, Connecticut - CTDPA, Utah - UCPA, Virginia - VCDPA, Delaware - DPDPA, Montana - MTCDPA, Florida - FDBR, Texas - TDPSA, Oregon - OCPA, Indiana - ICDPA, New Jersey - NJDPA, Iowa - ICDPA, Tennessee - TIPA.
Africa: Saudi Arabia - PDPL, South Africa - POPIA
Asia: China - PIPL, Thailand - PDPA, India - DPDPA, Indonesia - PDP, Japan - APPI, Malaysia - PDPA, Russia - 152-FZ.
Further detailing of data subjects' rights listed in privacy legislations.
Further detailing regarding the involvement of data subprocessors and AdOpt's responsibility for all parties involved.
Further detailing of responsibilities for compliance regulations, formalization, and availability of the Business Continuity and Contingency Plan.
This change does not affect our activity, management, quality, mission, vision, or values of service provision. For updates and/or eventual re-registration of AdOpt's data as a supplier, we are available at email: money@goadopt.io.
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