Google Consent Mode - Basic

If your metrics are normal, there is no need to make the following adjustments. If you do so and the changes do not bring the desired/expected result, you can restore the previous version within your Google Tag Manager. With that said, we recommend that you keep an eye on the metrics and compare whether there has been an advantage for your business.

First of all, make sure that your Cookie Banner tag is installed on your website. This will remain in its place and in this guide we're going to set up the tag template for Google Consent Mode (GCM). At the end of this guide you will have two tags in your Google Tag Manager, one for installing the AdOpt Cookie Banner and the other for GCM.

In order for your Cookie Banner to work to its full potential, the Cookie Banner and the tag template must be installed on your site. Although both can be done within Google Tag Manager, they are separate things. One does not replace the other. Do not mistake the installation and use of the tag template (from GCM) with the installation of the AdOpt tag (responsible for activating the Cookie Banner).

To read Google's oficial tutorials regarding the Consent Mode, click here

Installing the tag template, through the template gallery

  1. In GTM, go to the Templates section, and in the Tag Templates box, click the Search Gallery button. consent_mode_en_1_1.png

  2. In the tab that opens on the right, click on the magnifying glass symbol to search, and search for "adopt" or simply scroll down the list until you find AdOpt. consent_mode_en_1_2.png consent_mode_en_1_3.png

  3. Click on the AdOpt template, and then click the blue Add to workspace button consent_mode_en_1_4.png consent_mode_en_1_5.png

Installing tag template

  1. Now that you have the AdOpt template, go to the Tags section and click New to create a new tag. consent_mode_en_1_6.png

  2. From the list of available templates, select the AdOpt template you just imported. consent_mode_en_1_7.png consent_mode_en_1_8.png

  3. In the tag configuration part, in the Triggering part, first select Consent Initialization - All Pages, as this is a specific trigger that will make GTM "understand" that the Consent mode is active. consent_mode_en_1_9.png consent_mode_en_1_10.png

  4. Add a second trigger, of type Custom Event.
    4.1. Click the "+" symbol to add a new trigger, and in the list of triggers, click the "+" symbol again to create a new trigger.
    consent_mode_en_1_11.png consent_mode_en_1_12.png

    4.2. Click on the Trigger Configuration box and in the list that will open on the right, click on Custom Event, in the Others section.
    consent_mode_en_1_13.png consent_mode_en_1_14.png

    4.3. Choose a name of your choice for this trigger, and in Event Name, type


    4.4. Make sure the All custom events option is selected, select this option if necessary and click the blue Save button

    4.5. Back in configuration, check that both triggers are configured, and click the blue Save button.

    4.6 Don't forget to publish the changes you've made, so that the entire GCM setup is applied to your website.

This is our basic instructions for setting up Google Consent Mode. If you use advanced settings on tags, check out the following guide as well Google Consent Mode - Advanced

Address: 7345 W Sand Lake Road, Ste 210 Office 5898 Orlando, FL 32819
EIN: 86-3965064
Phone: +1 (407) 768-3792



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