AdOpt account - how to pause, delete and send feedbacks? ;)

In this guide we will talk about:

  • How to delete my account on AdOpt? Reasons why our users delete their accounts;
  • How to pause the cookie banner?** Pausing the operation of the warning, without deleting the account.
  • Recommendations for post-deletion procedures**;
  • Feedbacks; and

How do I delete my AdOpt account?

This is a very recurring question, but first it is worth understanding the main motivations that lead to this request. We have observed the following:

  • Stop using AdOpt, delete my data and any and all links to AdOpt;
  • Pause the use of AdOpt for an indefinite period;
  • Pause the operation of AdOpt's Cookie Banner;
  • Switch Consent Management Platform and Cookie Banner;

It is worth saying that the AdOpt platform does not yet have available a "button" that facilitates the procedure to "pause" the Cookies Notice (on your site) or to "delete" the entire account and data.

To delete your account please send an email to [email protected] requesting deletion. We ask that you send along your reason and feedback (so we can learn from you).

If you simply want to stop using AdOpt for a while you can leave your account as it is. If you have special needs not listed in this guide, please contact us via chat or service channels.

##To pause the banner operation read the next topic in this guide.

If you want to switch Consent Management Platforms and Cookie Banner, we recommend that you make sure they are good platforms that are aligned with the requirements of privacy regulation.

How to pause the Cookie Banner?

If you want to pause or disable the banner on your site we recommend that you remove the TAG from where it was installed (HTML; tag manager; plug-in; and etc).

#tip: Deleting the warning within the platform will not disable or pause the warning on your site (at the same time). This is due to technical cache issues, which may take a few days to update.

To pause or disable the cookie banner on your website you will need to remove/uninstall the AdOpt. installation tag.

Not sure what this tag is? Log into your account, identify the banner / banner settings, "Banner Installation" step, Tag 1 is the banner installation tag.


Recommendations for post-deletion procedures of the AdOpt account:

There is not much of a secret here. Just make sure that the AdOpt tag has been uninstalled from your website. Read the previous topic to understand more about this procedure.


Good old feedback! Yes, and it's still worth gold. We want to hear from you and understand how to improve the tool for your day to day life.

We've worked to make AdOpt as practical as possible - to make your DPO routines, consent management, visitors requisitions and more, easier.

Here are some suggested topics that may direct you:

  • Customer Service;
  • Consent logs;
  • Blog, help center and guides;
  • Design - design solutions and how to make it more intuitive;
  • Scanning tags and cookies;
  • Steps of configuration and installation;
  • Daily routines of the service;
  • Platform;
  • Reporting;
  • Other

Send us your feedback at [email protected] :)

Address: 7345 W Sand Lake Road, Ste 210 Office 5898 Orlando, FL 32819
EIN: 86-3965064
Phone: +1 (407) 768-3792



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