How to change the banner logo.

  1. Log into your AdOpt dashboard, choose the disclaimer/website from the menu on the left.
  2. Go to the "Settings" steps.
  3. Click the "Style and Display" section of the disclaimer


  1. In the Controller Icon section choose between some predetermined icon such as the Lock or the Cookie, or Add an image to be on the widget controller.


  1. Before making this setting, have the logo of the company/website at hand in the following parameters: **- Monochrome.
  • Square.
  • Transparent Background.
  • 60x60px. (Here is open source service to help you with this sizing)**
  • Choose the file on your computer.

Click Save and Publish! documents-setup_6.png

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EIN: 86-3965064
Phone: +1 (407) 768-3792



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