Pre-setup chek-list

Hello, and welcome!

In the articles on this page, I want to help you install the AdOpt cookie banner the right way for all your websites. It will be quite simple and straightforward, but in order for everything to actually be implemented perfectly, first of all you will need to have in hand:

1. The URL of the website you are going to install AdOpt on, as well as access to its source code and/or Tag Manager. Essential

2. A list of all third party tags (scripts) used on your site, with their respective reason/purpose for use. Optional

*2.1 - In case you don't have this list at hand yet, don't worry, AdOpt has a tag scan tool that can help you list them all. Just install Adopt's tag in the </Header> of your website and we will list them for you.

2.2 - Right after this scan, you will see that some of the tags, AdOpt already recognizes and suggests how to classify them. So, it may be just a matter of double checking the most popular tags.

2.3 - Remember, all this updated listing of tags in use must be described in your privacy policy. So, make sure you have all the information updated; both installed on the site and in the Privacy Policy as well.

3. Privacy Policy, official and in force in the company. - Essential. Available on a public link from your company, or as a .PDF file. E.g.

4. Terms of Use, official and in force at the company - Not essential (i.e. we can publish our banner without the terms at hand, it is not mandatory like the Privacy/Cookie Policy)

If you have it ready, it should be available on a public link in your company, or in a .PDF file. E.g. https://

5. Color Guidelines and its HTML or Hexadecimal codes. ** E.g. #00D975 _Optional**_

6. Text that will be used for the Opt-out session. - Optional for paid AdOpt plans AdOpt generates an exclusive opt-out page for all registered websites, and we also suggest the necessary texts for it, within the requirements of the law. If you want or need to adapt them, feel free to do so. (available for AdOpt paid plans)

7. Be sure to reference AdOpt in your Privacy Policy.

8. Last but not least. Don't ignore good security practices such as the SSL certificate, which protects the data flows on the website. For the visitor it is noticed by informing in the URL of your site from "http" to "https".

This is not a requirement of the LGPD, but it brings a "security image" and helps you even in the Google ranking, which favors the websites that have it. As AdOpt also seeks this security standard, and applies it in its software, many clients end up experiencing bugs in the functioning and installation of the tool, as they conflict with our standards. (In this link, a free service that we indicate)

With all this in hand, we can get started!

Still have questions? Just send them to us by email to: [email protected] and It will open a ticket. Or, call us at the chat widget on the right bottom.

We are busy with demands from all clients, but our effort is to help you with everything as soon as possible.

Address: 7345 W Sand Lake Road, Ste 210 Office 5898 Orlando, FL 32819
EIN: 86-3965064
Phone: +1 (407) 768-3792



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